Email Us to Register Your Interest To Become A PPG Member
You must read the below terms of reference and confidentiality agreement; if you agree please send an email to
With subject: Join PPG
And include your:
- Full Name
- Year of birth
- Ethnicity (this is not mandatory but helps us know if we are reaching all our patient demographics)
- Preferred email address to communicate with you
- State that you agree to the terms of reference and confidentiality agreement (as below)
- Highlight you would like to join the next meeting and kept up to date via email
It can take up to 4 weeks for the Chair or vice Chair to get back in contact with you regarding next steps.
Please note: Medical enquiries or complaints via this email will not be acknowledged, for these please speak to a receptionist at the surgery
Forge Close Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Terms of Reference
Aims / Purpose
To promote good relations between the practice and patients by communicating patients’ experiences, interests and concerns and by providing feedback to the practice on current procedures and proposed new developments.
To help maintain good relations and communications between the practice, the local community and other relevant bodies.
To explore ideas and areas for improvement or change identified from patient surveys.
To be a forum for ideas on health promotion and self-care.
Be consulted on service development within the surgery, or wider secondary healthcare services commissioned by Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group CCG.
To carry out an annual patient satisfaction survey in partnership with the practice and to assist the practice to implement the resulting action plan.
To evaluate and review the effectiveness of the PPG not less than once a year.
These Terms of Reference may be reviewed according to emerging needs.
Membership is open to all registered patients aged 16 or over and their carers (who may be registered elsewhere).
Members should be there to support the group, the practice and the local population, rather than to pursue their own personal agenda.
Membership should aim to be representative of the practice population.
Support will be provided by the practice manager and designated staff from the practice, as deemed appropriate.
A core group of membership will not exceed 15 members, which will meet at least quarterly. A virtual patient group will exist to access greater patient views/opinions. Core group members will be moved to the virtual group if they fail to attend three consecutive meeting of the core group.
There is an expectation that members attend meetings regularly.
Members should send apologies if they are unable to attend meetings.
Chair of core group will be nominated and elected by core group members in December of each year. Term of office will be one year.
Secretary of core group will be nominated and elected by core group members in December of each year. Term of office will be one year.
The group’s meetings will be minuted with highlighted action points.
The nominated practice representative will act as the point of liaison within the practice.
The group can expect direction, feedback and suggestions from the practice when required.
Minutes will be made available to the wider practice population via information in the waiting rooms/notice boards and /or via the practice website.
Meetings will be held on Wednesdays at least quarterly.
The quorum (minimum number of people required to be present for decisions) for meetings is 5 PPG members plus 1 practice representative
An agenda and any meeting papers will be sent to all members in a suitable format for them at least five working days before each meeting date.
All members can contribute agenda items. Agenda planning before the meeting will be managed and finalised by the chair, supported by the secretary.
Confidentiality Policy and Declaration Agreement for Volunteers
- Introduction
This policy shall apply to all volunteer members of the Patient Participation Group (PPG).
Volunteers shall normally be considered to be those individuals who are not bound to the practice by contract of employment or any other form of contract. Practice staff who have, at any moment in time, responsibility for the conduct and discipline of volunteers within the bounds of the practice shall be required to comply with this policy in relation to ensuring confidentiality awareness in any situation which may arise.
- Confidentiality
- All information held at the practice about patients is deemed confidential whether held electronically or in hard copy.
- All information about the practice, including financial and staff records, is also deemed confidential whether held electronically or in hard copy.
- Volunteers should not have direct access to confidential information held by the practice. This includes any information concerning an identifiable patient (or a patient who could potentially be identified on the basis of the confidential information). Access to any such information is only permissible with the written authorisation of the patient concerned or their authorised representative.
- If during the course of his or her activities within the surgery a volunteer overhears or otherwise comes by confidential information, the facts will, as soon as is reasonably practicable, be referred to the Practice Manager or other authorised person within the practice and that information will not be disclosed to any other person.
- If a situation arises where a patient contacts the PPG member directly, the code of conduct and confidentiality agreement must be adhered to.
- Definitions
For the purpose of this policy the definitions of the following key words shall apply:
- Confidential: something that is intended to be kept secret, classified, restricted or suppressed; something that is personal, private and trusted.
- Safeguarding: protecting the safety and welfare of vulnerable individuals such as children and young people and those with a learning or mental or intellectual impairment.
- Policy – Induction of Volunteers
- At the point of being accepted as a prospective volunteer, an authorised member of practice staff shall brief the volunteer on the contents of this Confidentiality Policy and of its paramount importance to the business of the practice, staff and patients alike.
- Prior to commencing any authorised activity or duties within the practice, an authorised member of practice staff shall also ensure that the volunteer has read and understood the document titled ‘Guidelines for Volunteers – Confidentiality’ (below) and is aware of their safeguarding obligations.
- The authorised member of the practice shall then ensure that the volunteer is committed to complying with this policy and also with the Confidentiality Guidelines and is advised of the disciplinary consequence of failing to do so. Breaking the Data Protection Act could have legal implications and would mean that the volunteer could no longer continue in that role.
- A volunteer and PPG member who satisfies the preceding elements of this policy shall then be invited to sign a declaration in the presence of the authorised member of practice staff.
- Responsibilities
- Any safeguarding issue must be reported immediately to the Practice Manager.
- All information relating to practice staff and patients shall be considered confidential at all times. This information may be spoken, documented, or electronically stored, transmitted or displayed on any kind of electronic device.
- All information relating to a patient’s identity, presence at and/or reason for visiting the practice, even within the physical boundaries of the practice (including any area occupied by an associated activity, for example, a pharmacy) is equally confidential. This extends to the identity of anyone accompanying the patient at the time of said visit.
- Any unauthorised disclosure is a breach of confidentiality and may be regarded as an absolute disqualification from volunteer status.